To encourage university students to develop creative solutions to of the most serious effects of climate change – drought – the SunGlacier team organized a challenge for them to harvest water from air. With an inexpensive Peltier cooler that is found in all types of laptop computers, the students were tasked with maximizing the amount that could be extracted from air, even in this dry region. SunGlacier believes in action over discussion, because the world urgently needs bright ideas to cope with the realities of a rapidly-changing climate. Future generations will need to implement new solutions in ways that are difficult to imagine at present, and young adults can also find joy in pushing the borders of science in this Try-Out. We hope for this to be just the beginning, with the collective power of fresh minds leading the way on new possibilities. Success in this could have far-reaching benefits for thirsty people in dry lands.

The team of Windesheim University of applied sciences joined with 4 excellent devices that harvested water from air, in more extreme conditions, than expected. The Sultan Qaboos University Team displayed 2 devices that impressed by their creative designs. Many thanks to Wetskills and Sultan Qaboos University for the excellent organisation. Further thanks to Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Medrc (location) and PDO. Our personal thanks goes to Dr. Ahmed Al-Busaidi, and Nicolina Becx.