Sunshine, gravity and air – three natural things that are free to everyone. We are applying these elements to their maximum potential (together in a unique way) to contribute to the solution of the earth’s main problem: fresh, clean water availability
A project of waterfalls to help fill world water supplies.
How it works: We use a bit of water to produce (much) more water through condensation. A condensation surface is no longer needed. The process is done through cooling down a small cascade of water below dew point, and then with gravity, the surrounding air is drawn into the water that is falling. The cascade cools the outside air down and the moisture is instantly condensed against the falling drops of water!
Solar panels are inexpensive, as is the cooler unit used in the project. This unit generates cold during the day and stores it in mass volumes. It takes only a small amount of energy to circulate the water during the evening, the night and the early morning. This is far more effective in generating water because it is not necessary to cool the water as much as needed during a hot day. In addition, if there is energy available, these highly-efficient machines can run as well during an entire day. This tested innovative technology works even efficient at temperatures above 50 Celcius. (122 F)
Our project features:
– Generation of potable water from surrounding air
– Inexpensive drinking water for anyone everywhere on the planet
– Breakthrough technology applying natural elements as never before
– Realizing possibilities of agriculture production in desert areas
This truly innovative technology is based on simple natural concepts, so machines can be made relatively inexpensively.
The board of DCHI (Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation) expressed its support and commitment to jointly explore the value of SunGlacier in the humanitarian context. ( See the letter of support. ) DCHI consists of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Municipality of The Hague, the Netherlands Red Cross, CARE Netherlands, UNICEF Netherlands, and VNO-NCW.
The project will be presented to the public on 7 September 2017 at the Making Waves event in the Netherlands with Kofi Anan, former UN Secretary General, and General Tom Middendorp, Dutch Chief of Defence.